Bankstown Hospital School

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Telephone02 9722 8063

Mobile Phone Policy

Bankstown Hospital School

Students’ use of Mobile Phone Management Plan

Rationale and Objectives

Bankstown Hospital School supports the restrictions of mobile phones in accordance with the NSW Department of Education: Students’ Use of Mobile Phones in Schools policy (Student Use of Mobile Phones in Schools Procedures ( Student Use of Mobile Phones in Schools Procedures ( Mobile phone use in schools can impact student learning and wellbeing. Restricting mobile phone use at school aims to increase focus in classrooms, remove distractions and promote positive social interaction, while reducing the potential for online bullying. Bankstown Hospital school has

strong teaching and learning practices to support students in the classroom using various forms of appropriate technology, which maximises the benefits and minimises the risks of digital environments and prepare students for life beyond school. We foster a safe learning environment which supports and enhances each child’s social and emotional health through our wellbeing and learning support teams.

Bankstown Hospital School has elected to use the following approach. All mobile phones will be ‘off and away’ for the full school day, including recess and lunch. This will mean that students will have a responsibility to turn off their phone and store it safely in their school bag for the course of the school day. This is an approved NSW Department of Education option and will limit unnecessary distractions and complement our ongoing approach to ensure every student maximises their learning and social growth in a safe and supportive environment.


Bankstown Hospital School works with students who have a medical, wellbeing or a learning need which will require them to access a mobile phone as defined in this plan. The principal or teacher will meet with each student and their parents or caregivers to understand if they need to bring their phone into the school room. If the student requires to have their mobile phone in the classroom, they must have it on silent and a low ring tone and out of their line of vision.

Contacting students

Bankstown Hospital School understands there will always be emergencies when parents need to get in contact with students or vice versa during the school day. We try to keep this to a minimum, with the exception of emergencies, to avoid disturbing the students’ learning. Parents and carers can make contact with the school through coming to the school room or contacting the nursing staff. Students will also be able to contact parents or carers through the school office or the nursing staff if urgent.